
REGRESSION: Yes, in 4.17, the following warning occurs instead:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.GetBlueprintPluginPathArgument: WARNING: Failed to find generated plugin for Blueprint nativization [C:\Users\mason.seay\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject3\Intermediate\Plugins\WindowsNoEditor\NativizedAssets\NativizedAssets.uplugin]. Nativization has run, but maybe there are no Blueprints which were convert

(See [Link Removed])

If the user packages a project with an exclusively nativized blueprint and a map select to include in a packaged build, the following error will occur:

ERROR: MyProject2 is configured for nativization, but is missing the generated code plugin at "C:\Users\mason.seay\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\Intermediate\Plugins\NativizedAssets\Windows\Game\NativizedAssets.uplugin". Make sure to cook Game data before attempting to build the Win64 target.

NOTE: This doesn't occur if there isn't a map select to package, but I don't get the warning above either.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create and open a new code project.
  2. Create a new actor blueprint and open it.
  3. Drag off Event Begin Play and add a Print String node.
  4. Compile and save.
  5. Open Project Settings.
  6. In Packaging, set Blueprint Nativization Method to Exclusive.
  7. Add an array Element to List of Blueprint assets to nativize and set it to the blueprint you created.
  8. Add an Array element to List of maps to include in a packaged build and set it to to FirstPersonExampleMap.
  9. Package the project for Win64.


Build fails with error.


Build succeeds with warning (see description).

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.184.19
Target Fix4.18
Fix Commit3700411
Release Commit3700411
CreatedOct 17, 2017
ResolvedOct 17, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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