
When adding a new C++ class to a project via the editor's interface, Visual Studio is opened but it ends up opening more than is necessary. Firstly, Visual Studio is opened without focus on the two new files that were added for the class. If Visual Studio was already open at the time, focus will not be taken and you will be given a message saying that the solution was edited outside of the environment.

During all this, the "Loading Visual Studio..." toast message will still be visible in the editor. After a few minutes, the Visual Studio solution will finally take focus on the two new files and then a short while later, another Visual Studio window will open, showing the two new files but no solution.

Regression?: Yes
This does not occur in 4.17.2
This issue does occur in 4.18.0

Note: This issue does not occur in Main and has only been reproduced in 4.18.0 at this time.
This was reproduced in Main CL# 3732069

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new project
  2. Add a new C++ class
    Result: After compilation completes, the "Loading Visual Studio..." toast message will appear and Visual Studio will open correctly, but not with focus on the two new files added for the new C++ class. The Visual Studio Loading toast message will remain. After a short time (A few minutes), the two classes will take focus in the Visual Studio window and another Visual Studio will open a short moment later, containing only the two new files and no solution.
    Expected: Visual Studio opens with focus on the two new files added for the class.

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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-51608 in the post.

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Affects Versions4.184.19
Target Fix4.19
Fix Commit3774305
Main Commit3807911
Release Commit3813083
CreatedOct 25, 2017
ResolvedNov 27, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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