
When running the console command "scalability auto" on a packaged project, the benchmark for the CPU is returning "inf".

Example logs

[2017.11.09-14.35.50:583][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display: Current Scalability Settings:
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:583][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   ResolutionQuality (0..3): (custom)
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:583][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   ViewDistanceQuality (0..3): 3
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:583][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   AntiAliasingQuality (0..3): 3
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:583][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   ShadowQuality (0..3): 3
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:584][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   PostProcessQuality (0..3): 3
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:584][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   TextureQuality (0..3): 3
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:584][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   EffectsQuality (0..3): 3
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:584][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display:   FoliageQuality (0..3): 3
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:584][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display: CPU benchmark value: inf
[2017.11.09-14.35.50:584][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display: GPU benchmark value: 183.291641
[2017.11.09-14.35.54:871][358]Closing by request
[2017.11.09-14.35.54:871][358]LogWindows: FPlatformM

Full logs attached

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open Editor
  2. Create a new project
  3. Package the project out for Windows 64 bit
  4. Open the packaged project
  5. Press the '~' key to open the console
  6. Use the command "scalability auto"
  7. Exit out of the project
  8. Open the logs for the packaged project

Result: The Benchmark used for the CPU is "inf"
Expected: A more accurate numbered value would be provided

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-52192 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Foundation - Core
Affects Versions4.18
Target Fix4.19
Fix Commit3778389
Main Commit3805231
Release Commit3813083
CreatedNov 9, 2017
ResolvedNov 29, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018