
There is an issue occurring where Widget components set as IsVariable have non-functional settings/variables. This issue occurs with multiple widget components. This does not appear to be a regression.

Versions Tested: Issue occurs in all versions Tested
4.18.3 CL - 3832480
4.19p4 CL - 3873914
4.20.0 CL - 3879785

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new project (No template or starter content needed)
  2. Create a new Widget Blueprint > Name it "TestBP" > Open TestBP
  3. Add a Text Block to the canvas panel > In the details panel check the IsVariable Box
  4. Navigate to the event graph and select the Text Block variable
  5. In the details panel check the "Expose on Spawn" checkbox
    Result: The event graph and details panel flashes and the box does not check
    Expected Result: The box checks without issue

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-55078 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.184.194.20
Target Fix4.21
Fix Commit4175503
Main Commit4329255
Release Commit4399518
CreatedFeb 12, 2018
ResolvedJun 29, 2018
UpdatedOct 2, 2018
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