Steps to Reproduce

pattern 1

  1. Start UE 4 Editor.
  2. Open the attached project
  3. Open Debug_Child_Child in the content browser.
  4. Since it is BP of DataOnly, it opens with Open Full blueprint Editor.
  5. DefaultSceneRoot (Inherit) Select the component and look at Transform -> Mobility item.
  6. It can be confirmed that it is Movable.

Pattern 2

  1. Start UE 4 Editor.
  2. Open the attached project.
  3. Open Debug_Child in the conte[Link Removed]nt browser.
  4. Open Debug_Child_Child in the content browser.
  5. It is BP of DataOnly but it opens in Open Full blueprint Editor.
  6. DefaultSceneRoot (Inherit) Select the component and look at Transform -> Mobility item.
  7. It can be confirmed that it is Static.

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Won't Fix
CreatedApr 2, 2018
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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