
Data in the Asset details panel < Clothing(Mesh Clothing Assets) does not update unless the Asset Details Panel or the Mesh editor itself is closed and reopened. User Can not go between the Clothing and Asset Details tab and the information update.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. See attached PDF up to the red text mention of BUG 2
  2. Project attached can be viewed to see the settings however they will be updated

Expected: Mesh Clothing Assets data updates when changing between the Clothing and Asset Details panels

Results: Mesh Clothing Assets data does not update when changing between the Asset Details and Clothing panels. Mesh Clothing Assets data updates if the Mesh editor is closed and reopened/Asset Details panel is closed out of and reopened

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Won't Fix
CreatedApr 4, 2018
ResolvedJul 19, 2022
UpdatedJul 19, 2022
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