
Whenever you have an actor on top of a reflective surface while its moving the reflection will display inaccurately as if the object is moving away or toward the reflective surface.

Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788. Reproduced in 4.18 CL# 3832480 and 4.20 Main CL# 4088075

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the editor
  2. Create an actor blueprint
  3. Add a skeletal mesh component and select the "SK_Mannequin"
  4. Add a static mesh component and select the basic cylinder
  5. Select a reflective material for the cylinder
  6. Move the cylinder so that the mannequin is standing on the top
  7. Add a rotating movement component to the actor
  8. Place the actor into the level
  9. Place a planar reflection on top of the cylinder
  10. Simulate in the editor

As the actor rotates the planer reflection appears to move up and down as if the mannequin is moving which is an inaccurate reflection.

The reflection would be accurate as it rotates


Steps for project:

  1. Open attached project
  2. Simulate and observe the two actors' reflections

As the actor rotates the planer reflection appears to move up and down as if the mannequin is moving which is an inaccurate reflection.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.184.194.20
CreatedMay 24, 2018
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021