Developer Notes

Delegates must have the expected signature. This is one of the issues with Set Time by Function Name and why we would discourage its use. Using Set Timer by Event will correctly enforce the function signature.


When using a 'Set Timer by Function Name' node with a Function that has an Output parameter it will fail at executing the Function. If the Function is called with an Event BeginPlay node it will function as expected.

This was reported in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). It was tested and reproduced in 4.18.3 (CL-3832480), 4.20 Preview 5 (CL-

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the UE4 Editor
  2. Open the Level Blueprint of any map
  3. Connect a 'Set Timer by Function Name' node to Begin Play
  4. Create a Function named "fname"
  5. In "fname" add a "Print String" node and an Output node with a Boolean Parameter
  6. On the 'Set Timer by Function Name' node: Set Function Name="fname", Time=0.1, and Looping=true
  7. Press Play

Results: The timer will not call the Function

Expected: The timer calls the Function and the Print String value is shown

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.
CreatedJul 16, 2018
ResolvedJul 16, 2018
UpdatedJul 20, 2018
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