
LiveLinkEditor Module is flagged as "Editor" and not "Developer" causing the Anim Node "Live Link Pose" to silently fail in Standalone mode. The node works correctly in PIE and in packaged builds.

Can be worked around in current version by manually changing LiveLinkEditor's module type to "Developer" in the .uplugin but needs to be changed by default

Steps to Reproduce
  • Create Unreal project with a skeletal mesh in
  • Open another piece of software that supports Live Link (Maya, Mobu, etc.)
  • Add the same skeletal mesh in this software and start streaming
  • Create an AnimBP in Unreal using a Live Link Pose node to drive the character
  • Create a blueprint with some connection logic using the Message Bus Finder (see [
    ]- Add Skeletal Mesh (with AnimBP) and connection blueprint to your level
  • Verify that when you run PIE the skeletal mesh is animated via the pose node
  • Launch in Standalone and observe the Skeletal Mesh remains in the rest pose

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-61855 in the post.

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ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.20
Target Fix4.20.1
Fix Commit4246273
CreatedJul 17, 2018
ResolvedAug 1, 2018
UpdatedFeb 11, 2020
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