
It is not possible to debug a project in the Editor if the project's Editor target uses a unique target build environment. When attempting to debug, Visual Studio looks for UE4Editor.exe, when it should be looking for ProjectEditor.exe. If the executable is corrected in the project's Configuration Properties -> NMake -> General -> Output setting, Visual Studio will then indicate that several .dll files are missing when attempting to debug the project.

Steps to Reproduce

This issue only occurs in an Engine built from source code. BuildEnvironment cannot be changed for an Editor target in the binary Engine.

  1. Create a new basic code project.
  2. Open the project's Editor.Target.cs file.
  3. Add the following line to the file: BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique;
  4. Build the project in Visual Studio for the Development Editor configuration (this will rebuild part of the Engine and may take some time).
  5. Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer window and start debugging.

The project will fail to start debugging. The message shown by Visual Studio states that it cannot find UE4Editor.exe. The actual executable that it should be looking for is ProjectEditor.exe.

The project starts debugging in Visual Studio.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-62017 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Foundation - Cpp Tools
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.20.1
Fix Commit4229350
CreatedJul 20, 2018
ResolvedJul 24, 2018
UpdatedMay 20, 2019
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