
If user set ChunkID to a high value, the construction process of the database managed by AssetMAnager becomes very long.

The cause is the following code in UChunkDependencyInfo :: BuildChunkDependencyGraph.

for (int32 i = 1; i <= HighestChunk; ++i)
   if (!DependencyArray.FindByPredicate([=](const FChunkDependency& RHS){ return i == RHS.ChunkID; }))
      FChunkDependency Dep;
      Dep.ChunkID = i;
      Dep.ParentChunkID = 0;

The seven-digit Chunk ID entered this HighestChunk, and as a result of the search process using the evaluation formula running a lot, the problem of this time occurred.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Cread PrimaryAsseLabel asset using DataAsset
  2. Add reference a asset to the PrimaryAsseLabel ( e.g. use ExplicitAssets )
  3. Set Chunk ID of the PrimaryAsseLabel to 1000000
  4. Open AssetAudit
  5. Very long waiting for processing

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.19.24.20
CreatedSep 4, 2018
ResolvedSep 4, 2018
UpdatedSep 5, 2018
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