When users rotate to landscape in QAARApp the apple device will encounter a GPU Hang error and crash.
Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Hang Error (IOAF code 3)
LogMetal: Warning: Command Buffer 0x10f049600 Frame 857:Command Buffer 0x10f049600 Frame 857: DebugGroup: SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates DebugGroup: InitViews DebugGroup: GPUParticles_PreRender DebugGroup: ShadowDepths DebugGroup: BeginRenderingSceneColor DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: BeginRenderingSceneColor DebugGroup: MobileBasePass DebugGroup: DynamicEd DebugGroup: Translucency DebugGroup: BeginRenderingSceneColor DebugGroup: PrimaryUpscale quality=1 1334x750 -> 1334x750 DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: PrimaryUpscale quality=1 1334x750 -> 1334x750 DebugGroup: RenderFinish DebugGroup: WorldTick DebugGroup: SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates DebugGroup: InitViews DebugGroup: GPUParticles_PreRender DebugGroup: ShadowDepths DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: MobileBasePass DebugGroup: DynamicEd DebugGroup: Translucency DebugGroup: RenderFinish DebugGroup: SlateUI DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: SlateUI DebugGroup: DrawDebugCanvas DebugGroup: CanvasFlush 2018-10-11 12:05:53.368990-0400 QAARApp[683:482214] Fatal error: [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Apple/MetalRHI/Private/MetalCommandList.cpp] [Line: 72] Command Buffer Frame 857 Failed with Timeout Error! Error Domain: MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain Code: 2 Description Caused GPU Hang Error (IOAF code 3) Unknown Unknown 2018-10-11 12:05:53.369176-0400 QAARApp[683:482214] [2018.10.11-16.05.53:369][860]LogMetal: Warning: Command Buffer 0x10f049600 Frame 857:Command Buffer 0x10f049600 Frame 857: DebugGroup: SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates DebugGroup: InitViews DebugGroup: GPUParticles_PreRender DebugGroup: ShadowDepths DebugGroup: BeginRenderingSceneColor DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: BeginRenderingSceneColor DebugGroup: MobileBasePass DebugGroup: DynamicEd DebugGroup: Translucency DebugGroup: BeginRenderingSceneColor DebugGroup: PrimaryUpscale quality=1 1334x750 -> 1334x750 DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: PrimaryUpscale quality=1 1334x750 -> 1334x750 DebugGroup: RenderFinish DebugGroup: WorldTick DebugGroup: SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates DebugGroup: InitViews DebugGroup: GPUParticles_PreRender DebugGroup: ShadowDepths DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: MobileBasePass DebugGroup: DynamicEd DebugGroup: Translucency DebugGroup: RenderFinish DebugGroup: SlateUI DebugGroup: Frame 857 DebugGroup: SlateUI DebugGroup: DrawDebugCanvas DebugGroup: CanvasFlush
result: Gpu hang and crash
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-65091 in the post.
9 |
Component | UE - Platform - Mobile |
Affects Versions | 4.21 |
Target Fix | 4.22 |
Created | Oct 11, 2018 |
Resolved | Mar 14, 2019 |
Updated | Sep 16, 2019 |