
Importing large Rhino files will cause the Editor to stall during the import process for a long time. When testing the attached file the Editor stalled close to an hour with no results. The attached file opens in a few minutes in 4.19.2 (0.182).

This was tested and reproduced in 4.20 (4.20E4) and 4.21 (4.21E0)

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download the file here: ([Link Removed])
  2. Open the UE4 Editor and create a blank Unreal Studio project
  3. Navigate to the Import DataSmith button, click the dropdown arrow, and select Import CAD
  4. Import the .3dm file

Results: Importer tool stalls between 90% and 100%

Expected: The file is successfully imported

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Fix Commit4539525
Main Commit4705151
Release Commit4862694
CreatedOct 15, 2018
ResolvedNov 5, 2018
UpdatedOct 6, 2020
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