
The new event track in level sequences fires the number of times that there are levels streaming.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a persistent level, and stream in multiple levels (they can be blank).
  2. Create a level sequence. Add an event track with one event. Set that event up to print a string when fired.
  3. Play that level sequence in the level.

Results: The event is called multiple times, and multiple print strings appear. The number of times the event is called is equal to the number of levels there are streaming.

Expected: The event should fire once, as it's only set up to be called once in the sequence, which is only playing on one level.

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions4.204.214.22
Target Fix4.21.1
Fix Commit4565818
CreatedNov 7, 2018
ResolvedNov 14, 2018
UpdatedDec 3, 2018
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