Crash occur the packaging application which has the title referencing StringTablem.
When lunch the application with editor and standalone, it's not crash.
It' not occur 4.20, and crash with 4.21 and 4.22.
1. Create StringTable asset.
2. Set the StringTable in Project Displayed Title (or Project Debug Title Info).
This property is in [Project Settings] -> [Description] -> [Displayed]
3. Packaging project.
4. Launch package application.
At the time, the application crash.
Package windows appllicaiton callstack in 4.22.
FAsyncPackage::Event_StartPostload() Line 4133 C++ FAsyncLoadingThread::QueueEvent_StartPostLoad::__l2::<lambda>(FAsyncLoadEventArgs & Args) Line 2788 C++ ConsolePak.exe!UE4Function_Private::TFunctionRefBase<UE4Function_Private::TFunctionStorage<0>,void __cdecl(FAsyncLoadEventArgs &)>::operator()(FAsyncLoadEventArgs &) Line 614 C++ ConsolePak.exe!FAsyncLoadEventQueue::PopAndExecute(FAsyncLoadEventArgs &) Line 101 C++ FAsyncLoadingThread::ProcessAsyncLoading(int & OutPackagesProcessed, bool bUseTimeLimit, bool bUseFullTimeLimit, float TimeLimit, FFlushTree * FlushTree) Line 4478 C++ FAsyncLoadingThread::TickAsyncThread(bool bUseTimeLimit, bool bUseFullTimeLimit, float TimeLimit, bool & bDidSomething, FFlushTree * FlushTree) Line 5259 C++ FAsyncLoadingThread::TickAsyncLoading(bool bUseTimeLimit, bool bUseFullTimeLimit, float TimeLimit, FFlushTree * FlushTree) Line 4962 C++ FlushAsyncLoading(int PackageID) Line 7291 C++ LoadPackageInternal(UPackage * InOuter, const wchar_t * InLongPackageNameOrFilename, unsigned int LoadFlags, FLinkerLoad * ImportLinker, FArchive * InReaderOverride, FUObjectSerializeContext * InLoadContext) Line 1095 C++ LoadPackage(UPackage * InOuter, const wchar_t * InLongPackageName, unsigned int LoadFlags, FArchive * InReaderOverride, FUObjectSerializeContext * InLoadContext) Line 1435 C++ ResolveName(UObject * & InPackage, FString & InOutName, bool Create, bool Throw, unsigned int LoadFlags, FUObjectSerializeContext * InLoadContext) Line 751 C++ StaticLoadObjectInternal(UClass * ObjectClass, UObject * InOuter, const wchar_t * InName, const wchar_t * Filename, unsigned int LoadFlags, UPackageMap * Sandbox, bool bAllowObjectReconciliation, FUObjectSerializeContext * InSerializeContext) Line 813 C++ StaticLoadObject(UClass * ObjectClass, UObject * InOuter, const wchar_t * InName, const wchar_t * Filename, unsigned int LoadFlags, UPackageMap * Sandbox, bool bAllowObjectReconciliation, FUObjectSerializeContext * InSerializeContext) Line 888 C++ ConsolePak.exe!LoadObject(UObject *) Line 1347 C++ UMaterialInterface::InitDefaultMaterials() Line 471 C++ UClass::CreateDefaultObject() Line 3081 C++ ConsolePak.exe!UClass::GetDefaultObject(bool) Line 2473 C++ UMaterialInterface::PostCDOContruct() Line 497 C++ UClass::CreateDefaultObject() Line 3081 C++ ConsolePak.exe!UClass::GetDefaultObject(bool) Line 2473 C++ FEDLBootNotificationManager::ConstructWaitingBootObjects() Line 930 C++ FAsyncLoadingThread::TickAsyncLoading(bool bUseTimeLimit, bool bUseFullTimeLimit, float TimeLimit, FFlushTree * FlushTree) Line 5001 C++ FlushAsyncLoading(int PackageID) Line 7291 C++ LoadPackageInternal(UPackage * InOuter, const wchar_t * InLongPackageNameOrFilename, unsigned int LoadFlags, FLinkerLoad * ImportLinker, FArchive * InReaderOverride, FUObjectSerializeContext * InLoadContext) Line 1095 C++ LoadPackage(UPackage * InOuter, const wchar_t * InLongPackageName, unsigned int LoadFlags, FArchive * InReaderOverride, FUObjectSerializeContext * InLoadContext) Line 1435 C++ ResolveName(UObject * & InPackage, FString & InOutName, bool Create, bool Throw, unsigned int LoadFlags, FUObjectSerializeContext * InLoadContext) Line 751 C++ StaticLoadObjectInternal(UClass * ObjectClass, UObject * InOuter, const wchar_t * InName, const wchar_t * Filename, unsigned int LoadFlags, UPackageMap * Sandbox, bool bAllowObjectReconciliation, FUObjectSerializeContext * InSerializeContext) Line 813 C++ StaticLoadObject(UClass * ObjectClass, UObject * InOuter, const wchar_t * InName, const wchar_t * Filename, unsigned int LoadFlags, UPackageMap * Sandbox, bool bAllowObjectReconciliation, FUObjectSerializeContext * InSerializeContext) Line 888 C++ FSoftObjectPath::TryLoad(FUObjectSerializeContext * InLoadContext) Line 353 C++ FStringTableEngineBridge::LoadStringTableAssetImpl(const FName InTableId, TFunction<void __cdecl(FName,FName)> InLoadedCallback) Line 196 C++ ConsolePak.exe!IStringTableEngineBridge::LoadStringTableAsset(const FName InTableId, TFunction<void __cdecl(FName,FName)>) Line 192 C++ FTextHistory_StringTableEntry::FStringTableReferenceData::ConditionalBeginAssetLoad() Line 2688 C++ FTextHistory_StringTableEntry::FStringTableReferenceData::Initialize(unsigned short * InRevisionPtr, FName InTableId, FString && InKey, const EStringTableLoadingPolicy InLoadingPolicy) Line 2593 C++ FTextHistory_StringTableEntry::ReadFromBuffer(const wchar_t * Buffer, const wchar_t * TextNamespace, const wchar_t * PackageNamespace, TSharedPtr<FString,1> & OutDisplayString) Line 2535 C++ FTextStringHelper::ReadFromBuffer_ComplexText(const wchar_t * Buffer, FText & OutValue, const wchar_t * TextNamespace, const wchar_t * PackageNamespace) Line 1571 C++ FTextStringHelper::ReadFromBuffer(const wchar_t * Buffer, FText & OutValue, const wchar_t * TextNamespace, const wchar_t * PackageNamespace, const bool bRequiresQuotes) Line 1606 C++ FConfigCacheIni::GetText(const wchar_t * Section, const wchar_t * Key, FText & Value, const FString & Filename) Line 1964 C++ UGameEngine::CreateGameWindow() Line 434 C++ FPreLoadScreenManager::Initialize(FSlateRenderer & InSlateRenderer) Line 52 C++ FEngineLoop::PreInit(const wchar_t * CmdLine) Line 2266 C++ ConsolePak.exe!EnginePreInit(const wchar_t *) Line 42 C++ GuardedMain(const wchar_t * CmdLine, HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, int nCmdShow) Line 129 C++ WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, char * __formal, int nCmdShow) Line 261 C++ [External Code]
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-71537 in the post.
3 |
Component | UE - Foundation - Core |
Affects Versions | 4.21, 4.22 |
Created | Mar 14, 2019 |
Resolved | Aug 27, 2021 |
Updated | Aug 27, 2021 |