
Changing a folders color in the content browser does not stay if the folder is renamed. Changing the name back will result in the color changing back as well.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new folder (named ColorTest)
  2. Right click the created folder and change its color
  3. Once the color is applied right click the folder again and change the name (Now named Test)
  4. Notice the color changes back to the default
  5. Now change the folders name once more back to what it was named the first time (ColorTest)

Results: Changing a folders name removes the applied color. Upon changing the name back the color is reapplied.

Expected: The folder color to stay what it was set to regardless of a name change.

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Fix Commit6093159
Main Commit6093159
CreatedApr 18, 2019
ResolvedApr 25, 2019
UpdatedJul 31, 2019