When a user launches blueprint project to a tvOS device they will fail to run the project during the run step and if they manually try to launch the app from the dashboard.
This issue does not reproduce with code projects at the same CL.
This was tested Xcode Version 10.2.1(10E1001) and the tvOS is on 12.2.1(16L250).
According to the App Store I do not need any updates for iTunes(
This is not occurring in //UE4/Release-4.22 5660361
ERROR: Launch Failure (see /Users/unrealengineqa/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/Log.txt for full exception trace) AutomationException: Launch Failure at IOSPlatform.PostRunClient (AutomationTool.IProcessResult Result, AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x0008e] in <3e40fdad158041e594b97ffefe6d8f24>:0 at Project.RunStandaloneClient (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] DeployContextList, System.String ClientLogFile, AutomationTool.CommandUtils+ERunOptions ClientRunFlags, System.String ClientApp, System.String ClientCmdLine, AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x00546] in <a40d3c6329c64cff869942ff957979bd>:0 at Project.RunInternal (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params, System.String ServerLogFile, System.String ClientLogFile) [0x00155] in <a40d3c6329c64cff869942ff957979bd>:0 at Project.Run (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x000a2] in <a40d3c6329c64cff869942ff957979bd>:0 at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x000b0] in <a40d3c6329c64cff869942ff957979bd>:0 at BuildCookRun.ExecuteBuild () [0x00040] in <a40d3c6329c64cff869942ff957979bd>:0 at AutomationTool.BuildCommand.Execute () [0x00001] in <c1d0b5ef75d74a2ea72d1f74c7ac6897>:0 at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] CommandsToExecute, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] Commands) [0x0007c] in <c1d0b5ef75d74a2ea72d1f74c7ac6897>:0 at AutomationTool.Automation.Process (System.String[] Arguments, UnrealBuildTool.StartupTraceListener StartupListener) [0x0026f] in <c1d0b5ef75d74a2ea72d1f74c7ac6897>:0 at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc (System.String[] Arguments, UnrealBuildTool.StartupTraceListener StartupListener) [0x00001] in <bbfd7cf3237448a38d418c5a17018d4a>:0 at AutomationTool.Program+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<Main>b__2 () [0x00000] in <bbfd7cf3237448a38d418c5a17018d4a>:0 at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance (System.Func`1[TResult] Main) [0x000a0] in <c1d0b5ef75d74a2ea72d1f74c7ac6897>:0 at AutomationTool.Program.Main (System.String[] Arguments) [0x0020a] in <bbfd7cf3237448a38d418c5a17018d4a>:0
Result: Launch will fail during build step
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-73074 in the post.
1 |
Component | UE - Platform - Mobile |
Affects Versions | 4.22.1 |
Created | Apr 19, 2019 |
Resolved | Jul 23, 2020 |
Updated | Sep 10, 2020 |