
Adding local offset to Paper Flipbook in UE.4.22 results in rendering distortion.



Steps to Reproduce

Project has been attached for easier repro steps. [Link Removed]

  1. Create a new blank Blueprint project in UE 4.22
  2. Import a Sprite Sheet-> Apply Paper2D settings-> Extract Sprites.
  3. Create a Flipbook "Test"  based upon your sprite sheet.
  4. Create a PaperCharacter "Bp_Player" and populate the SpriteFlipbook with your "Test" flipbook.
  5. Add a Spring Arm Component->Rotate Z to "90"> Set Target Arm Length to 200.
  6. Add a Camera Component-> Attach to Spring Arm Component.
  7. Inside Event Graph, Pull off the Event Tick node.
  8. Create a "AddLocalOffset" node for the Capsule Component->Set Delta Location X to 5.0F
  9. Drag an instance of "Bp_Player" into the world, and Press PIE.

Result: Flipbook distorts as Sprite moves in World. 


[Image Removed]

Expected: Flipbook moves in World without distortion.


Regression: Yes, behavior does not happen in 4.21.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.224.23
Target Fix4.23
Fix Commit6541372
Main Commit6944849
Release Commit6955818
CreatedMay 6, 2019
ResolvedMay 17, 2019
UpdatedJul 25, 2019
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