
When this asset is imported into 4.22.1(4.22E0) it has incorrect object position and rotation. In 4.21.2 (4.21E3) the asset has the correct object position and rotation.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download the attached file
  2. Open the UE4 Editor and create a blank Unreal Studio project
  3. Click on the Import DataSmith button
  4. Import the .udatasmith file

Results: The object position and rotation are off for many of the files assets

Expected: The object position and rotation are the same as they were in 4.21.

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Fix Commit9620736
Main Commit9620740
Release Commit9620736
CreatedMay 20, 2019
ResolvedOct 16, 2019
UpdatedJan 13, 2021
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