
Since this is a shipping/distro build and the device must be unplugged from the machine to be used in the hmd, I am unable to get logging. Will try with developer mode on.

The following warning is the only one that prints:

06-20 15:43:34.393: D/UE4(16436): Target SDK is 23.  This may cause issues if permissions are denied by the user.

Occurs in 4.22.3

My project can be found here:

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new First Person C++ project (mobile and scalable 3D)
  2. Edit the project's settings for distribution
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Configure Now
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Minimum Android SDK to 23
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Target Android SDK to 23
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Add array to Package for Oculus Mobile Devices and set it to Oculus Go/Gear VR
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Set Key Store to UE.keystore
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Set Key Alias to DistroKey
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Set Key Store Password to codesigner
    • Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Set Android Package Name to com.epicgames.[PROJECT]
    • Project Settings > Packaging > Enable For Distribution
  3. Copy the UE.keystore file to your project's Build/Android folder
  4. Download the device's Osig file and place it in <ProjectName>/Build/Android/Assets
  5. Package for ETC2
  6. Install the package to your device
  7. Open a command window on your machine and run the following commands
    • adb shell
    • am start -n com.epicgames.<ProjectName>/com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity
  8. Place device in a GearVR headset

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-76654 in the post.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.234.22.3
CreatedJun 20, 2019
ResolvedAug 27, 2021
UpdatedAug 27, 2021
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