
In ES3.1 preview,

Landscape will render default material if change landscape material by using material instance of landscape's material.


Will render correct if using another material's instance.

Steps to Reproduce

1.Create a simple material and it's two instances A & B

2.Create landscape using material instance A

3.Change to ES3.1 Preview

4.Select the landscape and apply material instance B to Landscape Material

5.Landscape now render default material in ES3.1 preview and render material instance B in SM5

6.Create another material and create it's instance C

7.Select the landscape and apply material instance C to Landscape Material

8.Render correct in ES3.1 preview and SM5

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Won't Fix
CreatedAug 27, 2019
ResolvedAug 27, 2021
UpdatedAug 27, 2021
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