
Need to add calls to Super::PinConnectionListChanged() and Super::PinDefaultValueChanged() in K2Node_GetClassDefaults.cpp.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Launch QAGame editor.
  2. Create a new Blueprint class (BP_1). Save.
  3. Create a new Blueprint class (BP_2) and open it in the BP editor.
  4. Add a GetClassDefaults node.
  5. Set the class input pin to "BP_1" and save.
  6. Right-click on BP_1 in the Content Browser and choose "Reference Viewer..."
  7. Note that BP_2 is shown as a referencer. Close the Reference Viewer window and return to editing BP_2.
  8. Add a "Get reference to self" node and drag off a "GetClass" node from it.
  9. Connect the output of the GetClass node to the input of the GetClassDefaults node, then save.
  10. Right-click on BP_1 in the Content Browser and choose "Reference Viewer..."
  11. Note that BP_2 is still shown as a referencer.
  12. Close UE4 editor and restart.
  13. Right-click on BP_1 in the Content Browser and choose "Reference Viewer..."
  14. Note that BP_2 is still shown as a referencer.
    Expected result: BP_2 is no longer holding a reference to BP_1 after connecting the class input pin.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.25
Fix Commit9553177
Main Commit11254295
CreatedOct 9, 2019
ResolvedOct 11, 2019
UpdatedFeb 5, 2020
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