
Landscape LOD tessellation creates big holes in landscapes.

Steps to Reproduce

I update a 4.23 project, not sure if it break on a native 4.24 landscape.

  1. Create a landscape in 4.23
  2. Add LODs and ensure you can see some tessellation transitions between the LODs
  3. Upgrade the project to 4.24
  4. Package the game.
  5. Play the packaged game.
  6. You should see big breaks and cracks there the landscape should be tessellating. Adjusting the tessellation settings will either exaggerate or reduce the amount it breaks.

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By Design
ComponentUE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape
Affects Versions4.24
Target Fix4.24
Release Commit9892720
CreatedOct 16, 2019
ResolvedOct 28, 2019
UpdatedJan 25, 2021
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