
Adding an ambient occlusion decal material to a decal affects objects with "Receives Decal" disabled.


Tested in: 4.23.1 CL#9631420 4.25 CL#11341939

Steps to Reproduce

1) add an object in a scene

2) add a decal to the scene that intersects with the added object

3) set the decal to use a material that is configure to be an ambient occlusion decal material

4) see that the decal is adding occlusion to the intersection of the decal with the object

5) Disable "Receives Decal" on the object


Result: The decal is still adding occlusion to the object

Expected: No occlusion on the object

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.26
Fix Commit12159931
Main Commit12159935
Release Commit12159931
CreatedFeb 13, 2020
ResolvedMar 13, 2020
UpdatedSep 19, 2021
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