Only files in UFS or NonUFS manifest that are local are returning a non-minvalue timestamp. While this is expected it is causing issues with logging file handling.
Proposed fix (needs more investigating):
FDateTime GetTimeStamp(const TCHAR* Filename, bool AllowLocal) { #if LOG_ANDROID_FILE_MANIFEST FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("FAndroidPlatformFile::GetTimeStamp('%s')"), Filename); #endif FString LocalPath; FString AssetPath; PathToAndroidPaths(LocalPath, AssetPath, Filename, AllowLocal); if (IsLocal(LocalPath)) { #if !USE_UTIME FDateTime Result; if ( NonUFSManifest.GetFileTimeStamp(AssetPath,Result) ) { return Result; } if ( UFSManifest.GetFileTimeStamp( AssetPath, Result ) ) { return Result; } #if LOG_ANDROID_FILE_MANIFEST FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("Failed to find time stamp in NonUFSManifest for file '%s'"), Filename); #endif // pak file outside of obb may not be in manifest so check if it exists if (AssetPath.EndsWith(".pak")) { // return local file access timestamp (if exists) return GetAccessTimeStamp(Filename, true); } #endif struct stat FileInfo; if (stat(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*LocalPath), &FileInfo) == -1) { return FDateTime::MinValue(); } // convert _stat time to FDateTime FTimespan TimeSinceEpoch(0, 0, FileInfo.st_mtime); return AndroidEpoch + TimeSinceEpoch; } else if (IsResource(AssetPath)) { FTimespan TimeSinceEpoch(0, 0, ZipResource.GetEntryModTime(AssetPath)); return AndroidEpoch + TimeSinceEpoch; } else { // No TimeStamp for assets, so just return a default timespan for now. return FDateTime::MinValue(); } }
Call GetTimeStamp with any local files that are not in manifest or end with .pak
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-93685 in the post.
1 |
Component | UE - Platform - Mobile |
Affects Versions | 4.25 |
Target Fix | 5.6 |
Created | May 29, 2020 |
Updated | Oct 15, 2024 |