Crash while switching between tabs in the main tab bar. It's possible this occurs when one of the tabs is being dragged due to the mouse/trackpad still holding the tab after being released.
Crash Report:
[Link Removed]
Call Stack:
<unknown module>! PerformBlockOnThread(FCocoaRunLoopSource&, void () <unknown module>! MainThreadCall(void () <unknown module>! (anonymous namespace) <unknown module>! SEditableText::Tick(FGeometry const&, double, float) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SBox::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SBorder::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SMenuAnchor::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SBorder::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SSplitter::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SOverlay::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SBorder::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! SWindow::PaintWindow(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) <unknown module>! FSlateApplication::DrawWindowAndChildren(TSharedRef<SWindow, (ESPMode) <unknown module>! FSlateApplication::PrivateDrawWindows(TSharedPtr<SWindow, (ESPMode) <unknown module>! FSlateApplication::Tick() <unknown module>! FEngineLoop::Tick() <unknown module>! GuardedMain(wchar_t const*) <unknown module>! -[UE4AppDelegate() <unknown module>! -[FCocoaGameThread() <unknown module>! __NSThread__main__() <unknown module>! _pthread_body() <unknown module>! _pthread_body() <unknown module>! thread_start()
1. Open any project
2. Open any Blueprint
3. Move the Blueprint tab into the main tab bar
4. Switch between the level tab and the blueprint tab a few times
Crash. It's possible this occurs when one of the tabs is being dragged due to the mouse/trackpad still holding the tab after being released.
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