
Particles flicker at the end of first emitter loop when interpolated spawning is enabled

This issue does not occur if interpolated spawning is disabled.

This issue does not occur for any of the subsequent loops after the first. 

This issue also occurs in the level and during PIE. 

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open a project
  2. Create and open a new Empty Niagara System
  3. Add a Spawn Burst Instantaneous module to Emitter Update and set Spawn Count to 1
  4. Set Initialize Particle > Lifetime to 1.0 
  5. View the simulation in the preview viewport

Result: The particle flickers at 1.00s when the emitter loops the first time


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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Niagara
Affects Versions4.
CreatedJun 18, 2020
ResolvedSep 18, 2023
UpdatedSep 19, 2023
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