In C++, arithmetic operators * and / have the same priority and therefore should be resolved left to right. In this case, * is being resolved first and / second.
1/128*128 and (1/128)*128 should produce the same answer, but when applied to a number box in the editor they behave differently. See attached image
This does occur in //UE4/Release-4.24 cl 11590231 so I am not marking this as a regression.
The editor will parse the equation as 0.000067
The editor will parse the equation as 1.
I am not able to find world outliner how to enable it?
Delay nodes occasionally don't fire the "Completed" output in a nativized build
Undefined sysmbol: typeinfo for AActor when cross-compile linux dedicated server on windows
How to achieve HLSL Multiple Render Target in Material blueprints?
Installer 4.10 failed with error code R-1603
When I open UE4 4.24.3 it appears that. Does anyone know how to solve?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-96162 in the post.