
Packaged VR Projects and VR Previews change the LOD at a closer distance than in editor.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Sync to and Compile UE5/Release-5.4 CL: 32726396\
  2. Create a New VRTemplate project
  3. Delete all Static Meshes except the floor
  4. Lengthen the Floor to be fairly long
  5. Place SM_Rock into the scene at one end of the floor
  6. Place the Player Start at the opposite end facing the rock
  7. Select SM_Rock and Disable Nanite (Perf will tank if it is enabled)
  8. Open up SM_Rock in the Mesh Editor
  9. In the Details, locate LOD Settings and Set the LOD group to "Small Prop"
  10. Click Yes to overwrite
  11. In the Viewport Fly towards the Rock, taking Note at which distances the LOD changes (You can enable LOD Colorization in Vieewport Viewmodes to see moreaccurately)
  12. Navigate to Android Settings and Configure the project for Android
  13. Set Target Min and Max to 29

Observed Result:

SM_Rock has it's LOD change at distances considerably closer than what occurs in Viewport

Expected Result:

LOD Changes on Meshes occur consistently on different devices


  1. Download and Install Binary 4.25.3 from the Launcher
  2. Open the project downloaded from here: with the UE4 Editor
  3. While looking at the sphere, fly the editor camera towards it taking note of when the LOD changes.
  4. Enter VR Preview.
  5. Incrementally teleport to the sphere.

Observed Result
In packaged builds for quest and VR Previews the LOD appears to change at a closer distance than in editor.

Expected Result
The AutoLOD changes the LOD at the same distance when viewed in VR as in VR Preview.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-96192 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix5.5
CreatedJul 30, 2020
UpdatedApr 26, 2024