
The display position of the text in DrawDebugString is affected by the scale of the display.

Should refer to the Project() of DebugCanvas (not Canvas).


 -  Suggest Code

void AHUD::DrawDebugTextList()
    // ...
    // don't draw text behind the camera
    if ( ((WorldTextLoc - CameraLoc) | CameraRot.Vector()) > 0.f )

        // Project with DebugCanvas
//      FVector ScreenLoc = Canvas->Project(WorldTextLoc);
        FVector ScreenLoc = DebugCanvas->Project(WorldTextLoc);

        TextItem.SetColor( DebugTextList[Idx].TextColor );
        TextItem.Text = FText::FromString( DebugTextList[Idx].DebugText );
        TextItem.Scale = FVector2D( DebugTextList[Idx].FontScale, DebugTextList[Idx].FontScale);
        DebugCanvas->DrawItem( TextItem, FVector2D( FMath::CeilToFloat(ScreenLoc.X), FMath::CeilToFloat(ScreenLoc.Y) ) );
    // ...


Steps to Reproduce
  1. On windows pc, right click and select "Display settings".
  2. Change display scale value of 100% to 125%.
  3. Open attached project and launch PIE.


  The debug text is displayed in a location away from the Actor. 


  The debug text is displayed in the Actor's location. 


Have Comments or More Details?

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Affects Versions4.25
Target Fix5.0-m3
Fix Commit14329579
Release Commit14329579
CreatedSep 16, 2020
ResolvedSep 16, 2020
UpdatedApr 28, 2021
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