SingleLayerWater Material crashes when sampling SceneTexture:CustomStencil.

There is a texture mismatch between the expected texture samplers and actual texture samplers for SingleLayerWater materials that use the Material Function StencilMaskCompare. Also tested on UE5.5, ...

In UChaosGameplayEventDispatcher::HandleCollisionEvents(), when bSwapOrder = true, Comp1 should be set to PhysicsProxy0's owning component, not PhysicsProxy1's.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Sep 18, 2024

In UChaosGameplayEventDispatcher::HandleCollisionEvents(), when bSwapOrder = true, Comp1 should be set to PhysicsProxy0's owning component, not PhysicsProxy1's. The issue can be verified on ReproMap ...

UGeometryCollectionComponent::EventDispatcher gets registered for events twice what can result in duplicate collision events being fired

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Sep 18, 2024

UGeometryCollectionComponent::EventDispatcher gets registered for events twice, once in UGeometryCollectionComponent::RegisterForEvents() and again in UChaosGameplayEventDispatcher::OnRegister(). Th ...

FindTextInLocalizationTable can't find a translation when entries have the same values on both languages

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Sep 18, 2024

FindTextInLocalizationTable can't find a translation to an entry when the translation is the same as the looked up key because FTextLocalizationManager::DisplayStringLookupTable don't keep entries t ...

Some Niagara FX does not show up in MovieSceneCapture when AgeUpdateMode is DesiredAgeNoSeek

UE - Niagara - Sep 17, 2024

CL23957356 changes how to calculate FrameOffset in FNiagaraSystemUpdateDesiredAgeExecutionToken::Execute(). After this change, DesiredAge + FrameOffset could be 0.0 for some a couple of initial fram ...

Editor crashes when the "Find in Blueprints" dialog runs its indexing task after any SlowTask was canceled by the user

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 17, 2024

If any SlowTask is canceled by the Editor's user, and later on the "Find in Blueprints" dialog is opened and needs to perform its async indexing task, the Editor crashes on thread FAsyncSearchIndexT ...

InverseExposureLerp should return 1.0 when EYE_ADAPTION_DISABLED is 1

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 16, 2024

Materials using EyeAdaptationInverse may render incorrectly when debug visualizations are active.   This issue can be resolved by modifying the EyeAdaptionInverse function in ...

Niagara Sim Cache result from 3D Gas is blocky in Windows packaged game

UE - Niagara - Sep 13, 2024

Summary: Cached 3DGas Niagara system appears blocky in packaged game. Brought up by a licensee via UDN: ...

[Pose Driver Connect] Animation imports that need "Force X Front" are not supported.

MetaHuman - Sep 13, 2024

User's who have imported and set their skeleton to Force X Front, when importing animations from pose driver do not have an option or autodetect setup and the animations are imported normally. This ...

Collision Preset of a Static Mesh asset cannot be properly edited with the Property Matrix

UE - Editor - Sep 11, 2024

Currently, the Property Matrix does not seem to support Details Customizations. As a result, when a Static Mesh asset is edited using the Property Matrix, the "Collision Presets" combo box does not ...