In GameInstance.cpp when the Navigation System is created it calls... UNavigationSystem::InitializeForWorld This in turn ends up calling... GatherNavigationBounds(); This goes through all ...
When attempting to set an optimization viewmode while using a Preview Rendering Level other than Shader Model 5, the Optimization Viewmodes dropdown is missing all of its options and instead display ...
This user's project crashes when instanced levels and the player pawn are unloaded and destroyed. This occurs in the ProjectLevelGameMode Blueprint, in the Touched Finish Point commented area. This ...
Crash when adding Actor Array Element to a Sequencer Event Struct Error message: Assertion failed: 0 [Link Removed] [Line: 56] Source Context: 42 N = FName(*StringName); 43 ...
This is a common crash occurring for users in 4.16. It is spread out among around 60 different CrashGroups in CrashReporter, because every case has a slightly different callstack. This appears to ...
When using external actors, adding/removing/replacing/editing an actor instance inside a level does not cause any modification to the Level package, which helps reduce contention for the map file on ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16 User DescriptionsI imported an FBX and the editor crashed.alembic import from brekelwhats wrong with the ue4 alembic importer? Source Context 120 ...
This is a trending crash coming out of 4.18, although it also occurred with less frequency in 4.16 and 4.17. The callstack shares similarities to [Link Removed] and [Link Removed], and the user com ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.18 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Based on the affected project names, this crash seems co ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.15 and 4.16. This callstack was previously linked to [Link Removed], but that had a specific repro case that was fixed in 4.14. Users are not providing ...