Transition Screen Size doesn't seem to affect when LODActors are added to the level. This was occurring before Dev-Framework's merge into Main at CL 3198987. ...
Clicking the Override option when attempting to replace a keyboard shortcut with another key that is already bound will not update the settings. Workaround: Unbinding the key before rebinding it to ...
When a camera attached to a spring arm is turned at a +90 or -90 degree angle in the Y Axis (can't go any further) and turned, it can jitter and cause visual issues. Note: This occurs in the base ...
Crash occurs when attempting to Generate Proxy Meshes with Transition Screen Size set to 1. ...
Attempting to open a skeletal mesh or animation in Persona causes the editor to crash. Regression: Yes Working: 4.13.2 - CL 3172292 Broken: 4.14.0 - CL 3195953 ...
When copying the 'Value' of a color from the color picker within the material editor, and pasting it into the value field of a new color picker dialog window, it stretches across the screen and caus ...
Seems like packaging plugins doesn't generate UE4Editor.modules files. This file is used to point to the plugin binaries to use, and so can cause issues. The simple workaround for this is just copy ...
Crash when closing the editor during Play if a web browser widget is in use. A web browser was added to the screen during Play in Editor. After this the editor is close via the [X] in the upper righ ...
A user on the AnswerHub has reported that a number of his sounds have had their Attenuation Override settings reset, more specifically the 'Spatialize' setting. I ran a few tests and discovered tha ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: SEGV_MAPERR at 0x0 Source Context:N/A Most recent user affected CL: 3195953 ...