UserWidget animations will be ticked as part of the WidgetComponent's DrawWidgetToRenderTarget(). This will lead to a crash when we attempt to set the LastWidgetRenderTime to GetWorld()->TimeSeconds ...
If you have socket locators parented to the mesh in Maya and you have a Y-Up environment, the sockets will import to UE4 with an incorrect orientation. See attached images. ...
If the editor is restarted between creating a blueprint enum and creating a struct / adding a variable of the enum type to the struct, then the variable type will incorrectly show as "Enum" rather t ...
When a widget Blueprint that is derived from a custom UserWidget class containing a custom EditInlineNew UObject class property is compiled, any value that has been set in the UObject property is re ...
After hitting a breakpoint and then stopping the execution of a blueprint using the Stop button, the next event is still being fired. Found in 4.13.2, reproduced in 4.12.5 and 4.14 Preview 2. ...
Print string to screen is interrupted if Console Command prompt is opened and specific keys are pressed. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...
Adding variables to a struct clears struct arrays used in blueprints. Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.12.5 ...
When importing an FBX file with only lights (in this case) via the "Import Into Level" feature this will cause the cook to fail. This can be resolved by adding geometry into the FBX file. ...
Adding the category "Actor Tick" to a UPROPERTY variable adds the variable to a new blueprint category rather than the existing Actor Tick category. ...
When the Category specifier of a UPROPERTY has more than one word, using the UCLASS specifier HideCategories requires the category name to be written all as one word even if the UPROPERTY is separat ...