A user is reporting some artifacts on the edges of his sprites when using bilinear filtering for the texture settings. These artifacts do not appear when using the Paper2D texture settings (Nearest ...
ShooterGame servers crash on the Linux and Mac machines. The following failed to find Font warnings appear in the output: [2016.08.23-16.59.05:186][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find ob ...
When an FBX is imported with multiple animations, selecting any animation in the content browser and choosing the Reimport option will replace the selected animation with the first animation from th ...
FBX objects with "ncl1" suffix conflict with "Combine Meshes" disabled I've found that you can name objects with identical names(For example, "Test") in 3DS Max or Maya (they must be under differe ...
No HTML file is created when using the newly added 'Console Variables' help menu option. This option is the same as entering 'Help' into the console command window. Neither of these options produce ...
If the user tries to replace a reference to a variable with multiple wires (one that should break and one that shouldn't) the Editor freezes up. ...
Using tessellation on Landscapes causes a greater impact in performance than what is expected. In the screenshots provided there is a comparison between tessellation disabled and flat tessellation ...
When selecting an item in the Property Matrix you cannot deselect. This affects changes you make that are supposed to be across all items selected by making them only affect the item selected. ...
A blueprint, material, etc... window docked alongside the main viewport window will open in a separate window if the project is closed and reopened. You must hit "Restore Now" for this to occur. ...
'T' does not appear to toggle on the ability to select translucent objects when using the VR editor. ...