There are tiled artifacts that appear on Mac Sierra when reflection captures overlap. Tested with Asset #3595 MacOS Sierra Version: 10.12.1 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M Driver: 367.15.10.05f01 ...
Clicking on an Editable text box on a mobile device will causing the project to crash on the device. Tested on an iPad Air 2 (8.1) The crash does not occur on Android. Log files are from xcode ...
1. Import the attached test.FBX with "Force Front X Axis" enabled. 2. Export the imported skeletal mesh with "Force Front X Axis" enabled. (Test_export.FBX) 3. The axis does not match in test.FBX an ...
This was initially reported in VR but the leak happens in a non-VR setup and environment. GPU utilization jumps to 84% in 4.23.1 and 98%+ in 4.24.3, 4.25, and 4.26. Tested GPUs were GTX 980 and GTX ...
When using the track builder plugin, the default settings for the track width starts at 1. However, when the yellow arrow is clicked to to restore the track back to default it sets it to zero instea ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 The editor crashes after playing in editor when the level contains a niagara system with a scratch pad outputing audio spectrum. ...
Creating an event dispatcher and BlueprintImplementableEvent function with the same names causes a signature conflict inside the blueprint. The event dispatcher is then broken as it cannot be delet ...
If you change a texture's compression settings, materials will show errors because of a mismatch in the Sampler Type of Texture Samples. This can be fixed by adjusting the Sampler Type and re-savin ...
When looking into the bd_hud_scoring and bd_rules_maze blueprints in the users project (Provided below), there are nodes that are throwing errors. If you press compile, the errors go away and the co ...
As detailed in the linked UDN thread, if a server doesn't receive a network packet from a client in 1.5 seconds, it sets the client connection's ViewTarget to null. This will cause dropped reliable ...