InfiltratorDemo rendering is entirely broken on 10.11.6 using AMD GPUs when the shaders are compiled to byte code using the Xcode 8 Beta 2 toolchain. This does not appear to occur with the Xcode 7.3 ...
It doesn't appear to matter what project or template you're launching with, or what settings you use in the ProjectLauncher. There are two threads it seems to complain about as reflected in this s ...
In the Preview Scene Settings, it isn't clear that a new profile is created when the user clicks on Add Profile. If it's the first new profile, the dropdown is no longer grayed out. But if the use ...
Decal Fade Out does not cause decal to fade as expected. Instead, after the delay and fade time, the actor is destroyed with no noticeable fade during this time period. ...
In every other code template, the standard setup is to have the code classes be in the template and have all the functionality in them code-wise, but then have a blueprint child setup the assets it ...
A crash will occur in QA-Promotion when played in Mobile Preview. ...
Get VR Focus State will cause a crash in standalone if an HMD device is in use ...
Phsyical Material returns Default on hit detection even if additional surface types are provided in project settings. This removes the purpose for the physical material or any benefits it could prov ...
A particle emitter with GPU sprites on certain settings will shake violently as they collide with the ground. This requires there to be a strong Const Acceleration module and Collision with low resi ...
If a user relies on the automation unit testing, they can get a incorrect result when using TMap because Contains( ) doesn't always return the correct result. ...