Level streaming and player input seem to be broken on iPhone 6 and 6+ This issue was observed during the recurring mobile smoke. ...
The mouse is being locked to the viewport when you PIE. The toggle Game Gets Mouse Control (Editor Preferences/Play) does not appear to be working. It seems to always be on. With it off I would expe ...
Motion controllers do not appear to be tracked by sequencer when recording Note: there is already a recording in the project from a previous test Project link: [Link Removed] ...
When moving an object in the viewport that is parented to another object with a scale of -1,1,1, the child object will flicker. This is a regression, this did not occur in the 4.11.2 binary release ...
The Editor crashes when a data table references itself by using the data table row handle setting in a struct ...
Cannot use multiple SubScene tracks. When trying to add a subscene to a second subscene track, it just snaps onto the original subscene track. ...
Reports that a UE4 project launched on French or German Windows 7 is not automatically correctly setting the culture from the OS' setting. Can probably install French or German support for a copy o ...
When the next/previous navigation settings of a widget are set to Stop, pressing Tab or Shift+Tab still result in the next/previous widget gaining focus. Note: In the attached project, all Navigati ...
If "Disable low latency update" is set to false for vive controllers a line trace appears to lag behind the mesh of the vive controller. This makes it so that the line trace appears to bound and lag ...
When using an FLinearColor variable in a data table and editing it using the color picker, clicking anywhere off of the color picker window will cause the editor to crash. Error Message: Assertio ...