Screen Space Global Illumination appears really dark when using the Vulkan RHI on Windows and Linux. This behavior is also present in a Shipping build. This was reported and tested on 4.24.1 (CL-1 ...
Dragging the Translation Widget in Perspective Viewport on Mac does not translate the selected Actor, and when dragging is released the cursor is moved to the top left corner of the Viewport. Happen ...
This appears to be connected to playing immediately upon opening. This behavior is not observed when in the Release-5.1 or Release-5.2 streams. With the same setup, the video will start playing on t ...
Using the down arrow key in the Toolbar's Blueprints > Open Blueprint Class sub-menu will immediately open the first Blueprint listed. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.10 Preview 1 binary, and Main (C ...
Ray Traced Global Illumination is causing some materials to glow extremely bright Disabling r.raytracing.globalillumination.denoiser fixes the issue In 4.22 preview 5 binary (5365847) the result i ...
Workaround:The blueprint macro had a cast from the enum to an int and that was causing the issue, getting rid of the cast and just returning the enum and then changing all the places that were usin ...
The FBX Import into Sequencer currently assumes that the camera has a rotation axis of 0, -90, 0. This assumption shouldn't be there. For example, currently this works: 1) From Sequencer, export a ...
User reports that the reason for the crash is that because UpdateSpline is false on the AddSplinePointAtIndex blueprint node, this line is never called [ReparamTable.Points.Reset(NumSegments * Repar ...
User bug report: Why do you guys remove the Json Importer from UE 4.8? All atlases from TexturePacker can not be imported anymore on our projects. Is there a way to activate it? or maybe is there a ...
There are two UDNs related to this issue. It makes the Path Tracer unusable with MGPU, with atmosphere enabled. I already have a one-line fix implemented and tested. The atmosphere scan line arti ...