One of the Child Blueprints in this user's project will not save its Replicates setting. The Blueprint (apa_room01) is a child of MasterRoom, which has Replicates enabled. When apa_room01 is first o ...
FNativeClassHeaderGenerator::ExportEnum produces this behavior. If an enum has “MAX” somewhere in the array, it removes last element. I tested my code to fix the issue.// code placeholder bool UE ...
If you create a UMG with an image in the Umg that is not a power of 2, The image will not appear on an iOS device. Tested this on a Android device (Nexus 5 with ETC1 and ATC. PVRTC will not allow t ...
Crashes in UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController, probably because World is NULL. When you package this vehicle game setup or play in standalone, the game will crash. 4.6.1 release crash (Standalo ...
When you delete clothing data on a skeletal mesh before removing it you cannot apply new clothing data. The engine still thinks that there is clothing data is applied. I tested using the Paragon: Tw ...
Alembic Geometry Cache crash when re-opening the project and a map that contains this asset or adding it to any existing/new levels will instantly crash the editor. This asset works correctly in the ...
When opening a new IK rig, the window that prompts the user to select a skeletal mesh does not open immediately. However, a skeletal mesh can still be selected in the details panel in the IK window. ...
If a variable is bound in the Design Window of a User Widget asset it will be deleted if you use the menu option "Delete all unused variables". Found in 4.24.3 CL#11590370 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9 ...
Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs. It appears that an input name with a space in it will be copied as two inputs, the fi ...
Duplicating a blueprint that has a node hooked up to BeginPlay causes the BeginPlay in the duplicate blueprint to target the original blueprint. This does not appear to affect functionality. Occur ...