When using server travel the transition map does not appear to show up when traveling between levels ...
Calling SetMassOverrideInKg reaches back to a "check(GEngine)" call in BodyInstance.cpp (line 2998). B/c of this check, the engine will crash on load if SetMassOverrideInKg is called inside a class ...
A licensee mentioned that If you see ALight::Destroyed() in Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Light.cpp, you can see Super::Destroyed() is't called in the function. ...
As the title suggests, whenever you attempt to add a third player using splitscreen, whenever the third player is created the viewport renders black. This only occurs when the viewport is sized to a ...
Decals that have a negative scale are invisible in the level. This occurs across all engine versions tested. 4.10 - 4.12. ...
If the user has the class defaults of their actor blueprint set for Run construction script on Drag to be false then the vector 3D widget will cause the blueprint to run the construction script anyw ...
Smart links disappear whenever the Nav Mesh regenerates while using Dynamic Runtime Generation. For example, if you have a dynamic object that is constantly moving and causing the Nav Mesh to rebuil ...
Put Rigid body to sleep does not appear to work within the construction script ...
When modifying the transform or properties of an animated object with no keys, the default values for the animation tracks should be updated. ...