A User's specific Static Mesh FBX made from OSM2World and converted from OBJ to FBX via Blender is causing a crash when imported with the following settings: [Image Removed] When imported with the ...
Instanced meshes called in player character do not correctly register overlaps with other actors. ...
When viewing a point drawn by DrawDebugPoint, the point is about 100 times smaller when using an Orthographic camera instead of a Perspective one. ...
When using a Create Dynamic Material Instance node the Get Material node will plug into the World Context Object rather than the Parent input. This will cause a error to be thrown that does not allo ...
After calling Seamless Travel, actors in the level will not be in their original positions. The example provided by the licensee had a different result: the actors, despite having Start Awake disabl ...
When trying to record a movie from a matinee in 4.10, it can fail for a number of reasons: 1. The folder does not exist 2. The cinematic view modes do not take effect 3. Trying to record a streamin ...
Licensee is using a modified engine but has a workaround, we need to verify that the same doesn't happen in vanilla UE4 and fix if it does. ...
In addition to the Crash Reporter: We have a user reporting this on the AnswerHub: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/346668/editor-crashing-on-launch-35-new-install-mac-osx-1-1.html Upon ...
When using a Two-Sided Material and Shadowing Two-Sided for a Plane or Landscape, with non-flat normals, there are parts of the material which are still illuminated. I have provided a test project ...
Code for this function below:bool FOnlineExternalUISteam::ShowWebURL(const FString& WebURL) { if (!WebURL.StartsWith(TEXT("https://"))) { SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayT ...