When you delete clothing data on a skeletal mesh before removing it you cannot apply new clothing data. The engine still thinks that there is clothing data is applied. I tested using the Paragon: Tw ...
Alembic Geometry Cache crash when re-opening the project and a map that contains this asset or adding it to any existing/new levels will instantly crash the editor. This asset works correctly in the ...
When opening a new IK rig, the window that prompts the user to select a skeletal mesh does not open immediately. However, a skeletal mesh can still be selected in the details panel in the IK window. ...
A crash occurs when starting either the Landscape Painting Mode or Landscape Sculpting Mode tutorials. It crashes even if a landscape is already in the level. This is similar to [Link Removed], h ...
This is a common and longstanding crash that has occurred since at least the 4.15 release and has affected more than 200 users. User Descriptionsafter opening a projectwas just trying to start a pr ...
If a variable is bound in the Design Window of a User Widget asset it will be deleted if you use the menu option "Delete all unused variables". Found in 4.24.3 CL#11590370 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9 ...
Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs. It appears that an input name with a space in it will be copied as two inputs, the fi ...
The UV layout of a Mesh is altered slightly when exported from the engine. It becomes more noticeable on objects as their UV Islands shrink in size. Given a default full 0-1 unwrap it looks like t ...
Importing a skeletal mesh fbx from blender and setting the Import Uniform Scale option for the mesh to a higher value, like 100, results in only one of the meshes being scaled while the other is lef ...
If ten or more of the same actor in a level have the "replicate movement" checkbox set to true, the editor will crash on PIE if the number of players is set to 2 (or with 1/2/3 players if dedicated ...