If class defaults are accessed in an actor blueprint from another blueprint, texture variables will not appear in the class defaults list on the "Get Class Defaults" node. ...
When multiplying a Gradient running from White on Top to Black on Bottom (1-0) by a Texture Coordinate, there are unexpected results rendered which is not seen when multiplying the Coordinate by a B ...
When a user spawns a box in the air with projectile movement and then jumps on top of it the will no longer be able to jump. ...
If a local variable set variable is copied/pasted over to a second blueprint and the input pin is promoted to a local variable, compiling the blueprint will cause a compile error to appear until the ...
If you open a project and immediately go to Edit-> Project Settings -> Collision and expand the Presets dropdown, no scroll bar will appear. This prevents you from being able to see all of the optio ...
If a pawn in the level is using a custom AI Controller that sets the AIPerceptionComponent in code, the editor will crash on PIE after a hot reload. CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...
Something must have changed with how LERP's or Vector Transforms deal with a float 0 value, which breaks this particular material Error:[Image Removed] Fix:[Image Removed] ...
Using Subversion on a Mac to connect to an online repository causes the Source Control settings window to hang indefinitely and never succeed in connecting ...
Several folders each prevent user from packaging project. If these folders are moved to a new, blank project, they prevent any packaging, even if the contents of those folders are not within any lev ...
"Asterisk" is misspelled as "Asterix" in a Blueprint Node ...