Graphics failure when pasting code for a BP node into Color Picker Hex field

Tools - Sep 11, 2015

Graphics failure when pasting code for a BP node into Color Picker Hex field Does not occur in 4.8.3 ...

Trigger class bp doesn't recognized custom Object Collision settings for overlap

UE - Gameplay - Sep 11, 2015

Trigger class bp doesn't recognized custom Object Collision settings for overlap User Description: When I place a trigger box in the world it blocks the player. I have it setup up so that the pla ...

Custom Depth Stencil Pass does not function on Mac

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 11, 2015

The Custom Depth Stencil Pass when enabled in the Editor will not show any information in the Buffer Visualization on a Mac ...

Up Ratio on the Gear Setup for Vehicle Movement Component does not work correctly

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 11, 2015

When changing Up Ratio for the Gear Setup in a Wheeled Vehicle's Vehicle Movement Component, there are some weird results. At 1.0 for Gear Setup, the gear should shift once RPM is at max but it will ...

Opening Particle System in Debug Mode will crash Editor

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 11, 2015

Running a Project in Debug Mode and attempting to open a Particle System using a DepthFade node in Material will crash the Editor with the message listed in Callstack ...

Torque curve makes no difference on vehicle movement

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 11, 2015

When changing the Torque Curve in a Wheeled Vehicle's Vehicle Movement Component, the values set don't affect the torque of the vehicle. ...

SelectActorsUsingThisAsset doesn't select actors that are referenced by an array and using a Scene component as root

Tools - Sep 11, 2015

SelectActorsUsingThisAsset doesn't select actors that are referenced by an array and using a Scene component as root User Description: I have a BP with editable actor references array. Recently I ...

Component Transform does not reset when used to replace the default scene root

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 11, 2015

After adding a capsule component to a new actor blueprint and then transforming it, if the user replaces the default scene root with the capsule then the capsule's transform properties do not reset. ...

A Function input's type is set as Wildcard by default if a Macro with a Wildcard input is created before the Function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 11, 2015

A Function input's type is set as Wildcard by default if a Macro with a Wildcard input is created before the Function. Compiling will fail with an error. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.0 binary, a ...

Attaching a camera actor component that is the child of a spring arm component to a new skeletal mesh's socket will cause a crash on the server

UE - Gameplay - Sep 11, 2015

A User is Spawning an actor, taking the skeletal mesh from it and is attaching a camera from another actor to a socket that is owned by the spawned mesh. This only happens if the camera that is move ...