Particle effects are not appearing on mobile previewer, Android, iOS or HTML5. ...
When switching between windowed and fullscreen modes during runtime the mouse position is reported incorrectly. Eg. A button with a hover over effect will play the effect when the mouse is near but ...
When using the "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" feature on an object that has already been converted into a blueprint class the assets then disappear. ...
When trying to make a prefab (using the Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class method )out of existing blueprints the editor will crash. ...
Functions from function libraries cannot be used within save game objects ...
When using a node that sets the input mode for the game, the input node will not take effect unless there is a player controller specified. However, the node does not give any warning of this. ...
In a transition rule, the time assessed in "Time Remaining Ratio" Node does not include/factor time from the Pin Sequence of the animation node. For instance, if the original animation is 20 frame ...
When you have an animBP with two anim slots (one of which is additive) and are playing the animations via Matinee through each slot, the additive animation takes over and the base animation doesn't ...
A user is trying to share data between two matinee actors. After creating a new Interp Data and creating a matinee for it, I add some animation to one of the two cameras in a camera group. I then ad ...