Emitter Delay Range will only recalculate each loop when Emitter Duration is checked True

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 12, 2015

To have a Particle System use an Emitter Delay Range that is chosen on each loop of the emitter, you must have under Duration, Duration Recalc Each Loop set to True. ...

Editable Text Box crashes game on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 12, 2015

Clicking on an Editable text box on a mobile device will causing the project to crash on the device. Tested on an iPad Air 2 (8.1) The crash does not occur on Android. Log files are from xcode ...

Objects with physics enabled do not show up in 4.7 preview 2 (when upgraded form 4.6)

UE - Gameplay - Jan 12, 2015

After upgrading from 4.6 to 4.7 preview 2 objects that are set to simulate physics will not show up if the user uses the mobile preview. ...

Duplicating a Timeline from the MyBlueprint tab creates a Timeline variable with no actual Timeline which cannot be renamed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 10, 2015

Duplicating a Timeline from the MyBlueprint tab (instead of duplicating it in the Graph) creates a Timeline variable with no actual Timeline to edit. It is only possible to Set or Get this variable. ...

Editor Dirty flag not updated in Windows task bar until focus is returned

Tools - Jan 10, 2015

A Blueprint marked Dirty will appear in the Windows Task Bar with an asterisk beside its name. Saving this Blueprint will remove the Dirty flag, but the Task Bar will continue to show the BP as Dirt ...

Greyscale Textures look in Texture Editor do not match Material Editor or Final Results

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 9, 2015

Greyscale image compression and sRGB settings are rendering different results in the Texture Editor versus the Material Editor and in game. Texture Editor (sRGB = True, Compression=Greyscale):[Link ...

console "stat" commands function properly but report command as not recognized

Tools - Jan 9, 2015

A number of "stat commands" such as "stat memory" or "stat collision" are working when used but display the message "Command not recognized: stat memory" when entered. ...

When the viewport is locked to an actor the 'F' Key cannot be used to focus

Tools - Jan 9, 2015

If the user uses the feature to lock the viewport to an actor (such as a camera) and then tries to use the 'F' to Focus on another actor in the scene nothing will happen. The 'F' loses it's ability ...

Color Picker always select sRGB color space even when toggled off

Tools - Jan 9, 2015

The Color Picker is showing a difference in color space when toggling the sRGB setting, but the final resultant color is always the sRGB true color. ...

Users would like to be able to capture UMG within matinee when recording

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 9, 2015

Users would like the ability to capture any Widgets that are added to the screen during their matinee. ...