If you create a UMG with an image in the Umg that is not a power of 2, The image will not appear on an iOS device. Tested this on a Android device (Nexus 5 with ETC1 and ATC. PVRTC will not allow t ...
If a user tries to add a button to the designer tab of a widget blueprint the editor will crash. ...
Edit: This probably has nothing to do with macs. <unknown module>! UBlueprint* CastChecked<UBlueprint, UObject>(UObject*, ECastCheckedType::Type) <unknown module>! UBlueprintGeneratedClass::GetAut ...
Users custom AI project crashes if anything is Built. (All, Lighting, Geometry, etc.) The project can be played but receives a message during play that the Navmesh needs to be rebuilt. ...
When starting a new project, I know I will need the same or similar hierarchy of folders. I like to create these in advance of populating them with content. These empty folders are purged once the ...
If a ForEachLoop node is used to cycle through an Array of Structures, using the Array Element output of the Loop node to set the members of the structure does not save the changed values. Workarou ...
I noticed that if you cook with -allmaps instead of specifying each map like -map=map1+map2..., that it seems to cook all assets in your game's content folder, whether or not it's used in any maps o ...
BoxCollision component must be simulating physics in order for collision and hit events to work. Note: This testbed doesn't contain print outs of the hit events due to an existing bug with adding e ...
When you have a sphere that is rolling it will never come to a complete stop even at low speeds. It will slow it's speed but never stop. This conversation was discussed with James G and Ori C back ...
The Show Collision option in the Viewport does not show all collision during Simulate. ...