Buffer visualizations rendered in HDR through the high res screenshot tool or sequencer using DX12 and r.postprocessingcolorformat 1 will result in renders that only capture the first row of pixels. ...
The source code to build the Engine that is available from GitHub includes the file dbghelp.dll, which prevents the crash reporter tool from starting on Windows 8.1 machines. This file is not presen ...
When using the Trigger Route node, if Value 0 is a non-zero value and Value 1 is a zero value, the output "pops" on set. [Link Removed] ...
This did not reproduce with Microsoft Visual Studio version 15.6.2 at the same CL in //UE/Main. Only occurred after I updated from 15.6.2 to 15.7.1. ...
Color space conversion in the UI composition is incorrect on DX12 HDR. In the main() function In CompositeUIPixelShader.usf, you can see the following color space transform.// sRGB -> RRT -> ODT ...
There is an issue occurring where Foliage does not appear in capture target when using "Always Persist Rendering State" when the foliage count is over 1.5k. The issue does not occur when the foliage ...
Add the 1.6 integration to 4.13 for release. ...
From https://github.com/Oculus-VR/UnrealEngine/issues/60#issuecomment-544537005 UOculusNetDriver::LowLevelSend was modified to take an FInternetAddr pointer instead of an FString (due to the same c ...