LIVE: EDITOR: MATERIALS: CRASH: Setting the MipValueMode for MipLevel or MipBias to 4 or higher will crash the editor

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 14, 2014

BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2322258 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: When using a texture sample with the MipValueMode to MipLevel or MipBias with a value of 4 or higher will cause a crash. ...

WP HLOD Crash on Small Cell Sizes

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jan 8, 2024

Adding a Blueprinted custom StaticMeshComponent to a Blueprint results in an Ensure being triggered.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 24, 2015

If a Blueprint is made from a custom Blueprintable StaticMeshComponent, and that Blueprint is added as a component to another Blueprint, an Ensure is triggered. No Ensure occurs if the custom nativ ...

Spawnable Level Instance via Sequencer in WP map

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Aug 21, 2023

ULevelInstanceSubsystem::OnActorDeleted: check(!IsEditingLevelInstanceDirty(LevelInstance) && !HasDirtyChildrenLevelInstances(LevelInstance)); ...

Spline Mesh regression on older iOS phone

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 10, 2019

Regression with rendering Spline Mesh Components seen on older (5s) iOS device. I did not reproduce a crash with an iPadPro A1701 or an Android Note 4 Confirmed in 4.23 MAIN at CL 6910902 ...

Crash on setting Max. Texture Size with Non Power of 2 Texture

Tools - Mar 16, 2015

Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2479729 After importing and saving a texture which is non power of 2 and not an hdr texture, when you set the Maximum Texture Size in the Texture Editor's Comp ...

Crash when opening a blueprint that referenced a struct blueprint that no longer exists

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 28, 2015

If a user creates a struct blueprint then references it in another blueprint and then deletes the struct while the editor is closed, the referencing blueprint will crash when opened. ...

Crash upon diffing Blueprint that was reparented when its previous parent has already been deleted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 20, 2017

When attempting to diff a Blueprint that has been reparented when the previous parent no longer exists in the editor, a crash occurs. The crash is due to the editor attempting to reference the delet ...

Connecting GetSequenceBinding node to LevelSequence including Spawnable Actor etc. will result in error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 22, 2018

[Link Removed] ・Open attached project ・Open NewMap ・Confirm that an error appears on the console ・When creating a Windows (64-Bit) package in this state, the same error occurs ...